
v3.21.0 – WordOps stable release with HTTP/3 QUIC

We are really happy to publish this new stable release introducing a new Nginx package based on v1.26.1 with HTTP/3 QUIC Support. But there are also many other changes and bugfixes in this release.

What’s New ?


  • New Nginx package with HTTP/3 QUIC support by @VirtuBox
  • wo stack install/remove --brotli to enable/disable brotli compression by @VirtuBox
  • wo stack migrate --nginx to upgrade Nginx configuration with HTTP/3 QUIC by @VirtuBox


  • Bump MariaDB release to v11.4
  • Remove php72 and php73 stacks
  • All APT repositories are properly signed with gpg keys
  • Netdata is installed from debian packages when available
  • Less logs in operation
  • Migrate all repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wo-repo.list in indivual files like mariadb.list, redis.list, wordops.list


  • wo info php versions display
  • Repositories’s gpg keys are not managed with apt-key anymore
  • wo site update site.tld --hsts errors
  • wo site update site.tld --ngxblocker errors
  • Netdata install and upgrade
  • 22222 Backend not secure with valid SSL certificate


How to upgrade Nginx to support TLS v1.3 ?

After the upgrade, you can use wo stack migrate --nginx to upgrade Nginx packages and all your sites configurations. It will enable HTTP/3 QUIC and update all deprecated directives previously used.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

WordOps code is already compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS but some php packages required for WordPress are not available yet. We will publish an official release as soon as Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is fully and officially supported by WordOps. So please stay tuned !

Update : Hotfix published

We published two hotfix releases yesterday with the following bug fixes :

  • $host variable added to Nginx fastcgi_params and proxy_params with HTTP/3 QUIC
  • wo stack migrate --nginx issue with wildcard certificates
  • install script mariadb repository migration failed on some servers

Issues with MariaDB repository

If you encounter an error with the MariaDB repository after installing one of the latest versions of WordOps like the example below :

Error: The list of sources could not be read.
Error: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list (URI parse)

Check your current MariaDB version with the command sudo mysql --version. It will display something like this :

mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.11.8-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

In this example, the MariaDB version is 10.11, displayed afterDistrib
You can fix this error by properly set the MariaDB repository with the following commands :

# get the linux distribution
distro=$(lsb_release -is)
# get the linux distro codename 
wo_linux_codename=$(lsb_release -sc)
# set the MariaDB version running on your server
# add the repository
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mariadb-keyring.pgp]$version/$wo_linux_distro $wo_linux_codename main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list
# update apt preference
sed -i 's/^Pin: origin .*/Pin: origin' /etc/apt/preferences.d/MariaDB.pref is dynamic mirror which redirect to the closest repository to your server. Learn more here.

If you have any other issue with the last WordOps release, you can open an issue on GitHub