WordOps project is alive for more than 3 years (the first stable release was published in May 2019) and we wanted to share with you some news about the project.
WordOps release cycle
At first, we are going to publish two stable releases every year.
We will publish a stable release in June, and another one in December.
This way, you will not have to ask if the project is abandoned or not, and WordOps will always support the latest Nginx and PHP versions. It doesn’t mean we will not publish any other maintenance or stable release apart from these two stable releases. But we understand the difficulty for new users to decide to use WordOps without being sure it’s not an abandoned project.
Donations available
As many of you asked us to support donation, it’s now available.
You can support WordOps maintainers and hosting costs with a donation.
You can visit our donation page on Ko-fi